Touching Healthwell being and balance for busy lives

Craniosacral Therapy #01

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on form of treatment that has been developed from western Osteopathy in the the last 40 years.

How do I choose which treatment to have?
Shiatsu and Craniosacral Therapy both have their own particular advantages. Broadly speaking Shiatsu works more with movement and Craniosacral therapy more with stillness. Unless you already know which treatment you want, I will make a recommendation based on your needs.

How long is a treatment?
The actual treatment takes between 35 and 45 minutes, but I ask people to allow an hour, so we have time for questions and for you to rest afterwards.

How many treatments will I need?
This varies according to why you are coming for Craniosacral Therapy. Generally speaking the longer a person has had a problem the longer it will take to treat. Most people with a specific complaint will have several treatments at weekly intervals until some definite improvement is maintained, before decreasing the frequency of treatment. After a course of treatment, many people will still choose to come for Craniosacral Therapy on a monthly or seasonal basis to maintain health.

What should I wear?
Loose, comfortable clothing such as track suit trousers.

What clients have to say about Craniosacral Therapy

'Sian's craniosacral therapy sessions are beneficial in so many ways. Specifically, Sian has, in just a few sessions, resolved the long-standing pain and stiffness I had been suffering in my upper back. Since my last session with Sian, the sinus problems which had been bugging me for some weeks have completely disappeared. In terms of general wellbeing, the sessions leave me feeling re-tuned, invigorated and ready to face the world again.' Judith Atkins, Solicitor

'I had been suffering with tennis elbow for a number of weeks. The day after a craniosacral treatment with Siân the pain had gone. Some weeks later the pain came back but another treatment did the trick and since then I am pain free.' Barbara Trznadel, Charity director

'I first met Sian five years ago when I was having problems with my jaw. I had craniosacral therapy and amazingly after just a couple of treatments my jaw was completely better and has remained this way. More recently I returned for some further treatments to try and help with lower back and neck pain caused by sacroiliitis. Again, after just a few sessions I noticed a dramatic improvement and am now feeling pain free and comfortable for the first time in four years. I continue to have regular treatments to maintain the feeling of well being that the hour of relaxation brings me. I cannot recommend a treatment with Sian enough. She is very kind and understanding and my quality of life has improved so much since the pain has eased.' Hazel White, Sales Representative

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